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{Tuesday, November 25, 2003}

Your quote for the day:

America is a country that doesn't know where it is going but is determined to set a speed record getting there.
Laurence J. Peter

posted by Cyril et Marie 9:20 pm

{Sunday, November 23, 2003}

My honey is part of a ping-pong team here in Lyon (for school purposes) and Friday night, because the "Beaujolais nouveau" had arrived in town, the commitee was throwing a special wine-tasting session at the local gymnasium. For free. It all started at 8 p.m. and by 10p.m. I had drank 9 glasses of wine. Here in France they don't have public toilets where you can sit and do your thing. No. You have to stand up, place your feet on two small plateforms and aim the hole below. So later in the night (it must of been around midnight) I really had to go pee but was to drunk to piss standing up while trying not to fall off the plateforms, so I decided to go outside, and take some fresh air at the same time. I saw a door down the hall that led directly outside so I opened it, hid in a corner and did what I had to do. I went back for the door, and, of course, it was one of those doors that you can open from the inside, but it is locked from the outside. No problem, I'll go around the building and go in from the front door. As I turn around, I realize I am surrounded by fences everywhere. No problem, I'm drunk, I can take any challenge right now!!! I started climbing the nearest fence, and as I was about to jump over it, the bottom of my pants got stuck, everything went blank and when I opened my eyes, I was lying face down on the ground. I got up, saw that on my left knee I had a big hole in my jeans and that I was bleeding bad, I couldn't feel my right hand and I had bleeding scratches inside my two hands. Shit. My boyfriend is still inside and I have to go in. After 15 minutes of trying to figure out where that stupid froot door was, I finally found my way in, trying to be as invisible as I could be to everyone I passed by. The first thing my boyfriend said to me when he saw me was "What the hell?!?! You tell me you have to go pee, you come back 30 minutes later and you look like you just got hit by a car??? Are you o.k.??" "Yeah, can we grab a glass of wine and go home right now please?" The next morning (yesterday) I woke up with my sheets covered with blood everywhere, I couldn't walk on my left leg and I can't use my right hand. Today were going to eat at my honey's parents and I'm gonna be so embarressed when they're gonna ask me what happenned to me, I gotta find a back-up story.
posted by Cyril et Marie 10:46 am

{Thursday, November 20, 2003}

This morning as I was laying in my bed, flashbacks from a discussion with my psychiatrist appeared in my head. I had a bit of a weird vision of men back then.
HER-So tell me, do you recall any memories about men when you were young?
ME-Hum... No. Actually yes. When I was 5 or 6 years old, my dad had a friend who used to come and visit once in a while and he really smelled weird. At that time I had never seen a penis before but I figured that he propably smelled like a penis.
HER-Did he ever touch you?
ME-Oh no. I just thought he smelled funny.
HER-O.k. now let’s talk about some of your first experiences. Do you remember your first real kiss?
ME-Sure do! I was 8 years old, at that time I used to live in Thunder Bay, Ontario and one day, my neighbour (who I barely knew) came over to my house and asked me if we could play together. I said yes and we went under a huge pine tree to talk about pretty much anything. Finally, we ended up frenchkissing passionately while rolling around in the grass.
HER-And did you have feelings for that little boy?
ME-It wasn’t a little boy.
HER-It was a man?
ME-No it was a girl.
Silence. She scribbled something on a piece of paper. Silence again.

posted by Cyril et Marie 8:25 pm

{Wednesday, November 19, 2003}

As I was writing away my winter blues yesterday, my honey asked me why, even though I’m French, I always write what’s on my mind in English. Hum. Well first of all, I find the French language to be much too subtle in a kinda explicit way. It’s also too dramatic for me. I find that on the other side, the English language is more blunt. Also, everything is easier to be said in English, even if it’s bad news. There’s a way of using some kind of dark sarcastic humour in English that can make a dying man laugh. So I leave the French language for the real poets. I just need to bitch and make peace on Earth.
posted by Cyril et Marie 4:36 pm
Whatever the size of the house or flat, the bathroom and the toilet are usually two distinct rooms. This is a matter of hygiene for the French and also of convenience (it avoids frantic knocking on the door while someone is singing under the shower) In older houses or apartments, you may find an object that has always fascinated foreigners, le bidet. This pear-shaped, low wash-basin was used for washing intimate body parts in the days when a full wash was not considered a daily requirement. In the 19th century and at the beginning of this century, le bidet contributed to the development of personal hygiene. Today, showers have become commonplace, and le bidet is no longer part of the bathroom. I just find it ideal for keeping cans of beer cool during parties!
posted by Cyril et Marie 12:45 pm

{Tuesday, November 18, 2003}

After almost 4 months of living in France, I've decided to pin point the differences that I've noticed so far. So every once in a while, I'll keep you updated on those "little" details. For starters, here's something I've read in a travel book for newbies in Lyon, France's second biggest city:
"A few rules about driving. The French are high-pressure drivers, always accelerating and braking suddenly. Keep your eyes ont the road! It is well-know that once inside the metallic shell of their car, people lose all sense of courtesy. Don't get upset if drivers are gesticulating, yelling, hooting or grimacing at you. Keep your calm. Remember, there is no point in living in France unless you have a sense of humour!"
Why didn't anybody tell me that BEFORE I got here?!?
posted by Cyril et Marie 5:59 pm

{Monday, November 10, 2003}

The book I am reading right now is "Voyage au bout de la nuit" from the French author Céline. And here's a passage I really like:
"Dupré donne d'autre part, dans sa terminologie si imagée et dont il avait l'apanage, le nom de "diarrhée cogitive de libération" à cette crise qui s'accompagne chez le sujet d'une sensation d'euphorie très active, d'une reprise très marquée de l'activité de relations, reprise, entre autres, très notable du sommeil, qu'on voit se prolonger soudain pendant des journées entières, enfin autre stade: suractivité très marquée des fonctions génitales, à tel point qu'il n'est pas rare d'observer chez les mêmes malades auparavant frigides, de véritables "fringales érotiques". D'où cette formule : "Le patient n'entre pas dans la guérison, il s'y rue!"
posted by Cyril et Marie 10:45 am

{Friday, November 07, 2003}

Here's a pretty nice pick-up line I found on butterflybrat's blog (http://butterfliesandbrats.blogspot.com/)
"Fuck me if I am wrong, but haven't we met before?"

posted by Cyril et Marie 6:47 pm

{Thursday, November 06, 2003}

I’ve decided to hop on back into the blog zone, I don’t know for how long but surely long enough to finish this entry. I realized that my description was pretty much expired but it’s interesting to look back at it and analyze it
“Recently turned 22 and expecting this year to be the most crazy year of my life, just like the last 22 others. I have a nameless insomniac fish and not enough memory cells.I find ''vulve'' to be the funniest French word and I can't grow an avocado tree for shit.”
Well first of all, I am now 23, and I must say it is true, I DID have pretty much the craziest year of my life. I spent new year’s eve in Time Squares, New York city, met my honey in Québec, Canada, got married within the next 8 months, and am now living in France in a house with a huge backyard and lots of pear trees. As for my insomniac fish, well, it ain’t insomniac no more cause when I moved to France, I gave it to my best buddy Dan who fed it with pretty much anything (Damn it Dan I TOLD you he was a vegetarian!) and it wasn’t long before he died of to much gas. My memory cells, still not enough BUT I did gather a few extra ones since I’ve stopped being such a pot head. Vulve hahahahaha!!! And yes, I DID finally grow not one, but 3 beautiful avocado trees, they live at my mom’s place now and I can’t wait ‘til they pop out a few avocados. So there, that’s my review for the last 12 months. Not bad for a girl who still sleeps with a Teddy bear!
posted by Cyril et Marie 6:21 pm
